Heat Shock Proteins – Why Infrared Light Therapy Works and Who It Can Help

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are produced naturally in the body when cells are briefly exposed to stressful conditions.  They were first recognized as being expressed as a response to temperatures above their normal growth temperature. We now know they are also expressed in response to other stresses including exposure to cold, UV light and during wound healing or tissue remodeling. 


The synthesis of HSPs is not limited to humans, in fact it occurs throughout the plant and animal kingdoms.  For humans when we experience an increase in temperature above the physiological norm, this suppresses protein synthesis in the cell, which activates the heat shock factor and enhances transcription of heat shock genes. HSPs inhibit apoptosis and provide cells with thermal stability if stress reoccurs.


While a  traditional sauna uses heat to warm the air, which in turn warms your body. An infrared sauna heats your body directly without warming the air around you. Full spectrum infrared light therapy removes impurities from your cells by heating the patient from the inside out. A true full-spectrum infrared sauna, like amplivive’s amplight, provides the benefits of near, middle, and far-infrared light. This therapy heats the body from the inside out and offers intense detoxification and invigoration. These wavelengths can penetrate deep into the body and raise your core temperature, improving organ healing and detoxification. The passive sweating achieved via the near-infrared enables increased cellular detox that cannot be attained via exercise or other types of saunas. With lower temperatures than a traditional sauna, you can comfortably sit in the sauna for up to 20 minutes.


 According to the Mayo Clinic studies have looked at using infrared saunas in the treatment of chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, dementia and Alzheimer's disease, headache, type 2 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, and found some evidence of benefit. While they are quick to share that  larger and more-rigorous studies are needed to confirm these results – the research and evidence is mounting. The Mayo Clinic says, “Unless a person is experiencing any illness or weakness, having daily infrared sessions can be beneficial for everyone”. Mayo Clinic What is an infrared sauna? Does it have health benefits?


Amplivive is a wellness sanctuary located in Winermere, Florida offering unique state of the art therapies to AMPLIFY your performance, AMPLIFY your mind, and AMPLIFY your happiness.


An Introduction To Cryotherapy in Central Florida


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