Do you need to run a peak performance? Try our ampliformance protocol!

Whether you are a professional athlete, weekend warrior, or starting a new training regiment, being in top physical shape is crucial. Ampliformance is specially designed system used by countless professional players to enhance performance and speed up recovery. Here are some favorite therapies for improved flexibility and endurance.

  • ampfreeze -In 3 minutes or less, the therapy is complete. You leave the chamber feeling rejuvenated in mind and body, with increased energy, fresh oxygen, and vital nutrients flooding the system. Check out what Healthline has to say about the Benefits of Cyrotherapy.

  • ampchiro - Using various techniques, from spinal and extremity adjusting to various soft tissue therapies, including cupping, our chiropractors perform a comprehensive assessment to come up with a custom treatment plan to best suit your needs and goals. Chiropractic treatment may help relieve pain from conditions affecting your: bones, cartilage, connective tissue, joints and muscles.

  • ampoxygen -This 60 minute session requires you to lay down in our state-of-the-art hyperbaric chamber, completely relax, and only focus on your breathing. According to the Mayo Clinic, hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry. With repeated scheduled treatments, the temporary extra high oxygen levels encourage normal tissue oxygen levels, even after the therapy is completed.


Amplivive is a wellness sanctuary located in Winermere, Florida offering unique state of the art therapies to AMPLIFY your performance, AMPLIFY your mind, and AMPLIFY your happiness.


Reduce Inches and Smooth Skin - No Suction - No Surgery - No Joke